
Caper Base @ Access 808

Where at-risk youth can access a continuum of services and supports, including prevention programs, counselling, health and wellness resources, and education and employment support.


Cape Base @ Access 808 (808 George Street, Sydney) works to ensure at-risk youth in the Cape Breton Regional Municipality have an opportunity to access a continuum of services and supports, including prevention programs, counselling, health and wellness resources, and education and employment support.

Cape Base at Access 808 is committed to working with youth, families, and other community partners to support the development of more effective solutions to break the cycle of youth homelessness.

To learn more about the programs offered, visit caperbase.com or the Access 808 Facebook Page or call 902-539-7233.

The services, programming and staffing of Caper Base at Access 808 are coordinated by the Nova Scotia Health Authority. New Dawn is honoured to have the opportunity to serve as landlord on this project.