
Where’s your money growing? Invest in Cape Breton

New Dawn's Community Economic Development Investment Funds (or CEDIFs) are good for you and good for your community.

Ethical Investment Policy

The New Dawn family of CEDIFs invests CEDIF monies to earn dividends for its investors.

Whilst it is mindful of its obligations to the well-being of its investors, to invest in a way that seeks maximum return from those investments, the New Dawn family of CEDIFs is committed to ensuring that investments are made in a responsible manner.

New Dawn believes that recognizing ethical and environmental considerations in investment decisions will enhance long term financial returns.

The New Dawn family of CEDIFs will seek to avoid investments in businesses whose activities and practices pose a risk of serious harm to individuals or groups whose activities are inconsistent with New Dawn’s mission and values. This includes, inter alia, avoiding investments in firms with material links to:

  • Human Rights Abuses (child labour, political oppression);
  • Environmentally Harmful Activities (unacceptable pollution, permanent destruction of habitat, tar sand development); and
  • Socially Harmful Activities (tobacco, gambling, firearms, pornography, unsafe consumer products)