
2012 Community Investment Fund

In just twenty business days, New Dawn Community Investment Ltd. has exceeded its campaign target of $1 million to raise $1.5 million for its 2012 CEDIF.

In just twenty business days, New Dawn Community Investment Ltd. has exceeded its campaign target of $1 million to raise $1.5 million for its 2012 CEDIF. This is the sev­enth year that a New Dawn com­pany has ad­min­is­tered a Com­mu­nity Eco­nomic De­vel­op­ment In­vest­ment Fund. Un­like pre­vi­ous years, New Dawn Com­mu­nity In­vest­ment has had to close its of­fer­ing be­fore the end of Feb­ru­ary.

“This cam­paign has ex­ceeded all of our ex­pec­ta­tions,” says Rankin Mac­Sween, Sec­re­tary of New Dawn Com­mu­nity In­vest­ment Ltd. “We are over­whelmed by, and feel a great deal of grat­i­tude for, the sup­port and en­thu­si­asm shown by the peo­ple of this com­mu­nity and their de­ter­mi­na­tion to in­vest in the places where they live and work. Ac­cess to cap­i­tal is a pre­req­ui­site for the suc­cess of pri­vate en­ter­prise in Cape Bre­ton. The CEDIF offered by New Dawn Community Investment this year provides just that.”

New Dawn Com­mu­nity In­vest­ment will in­vest the full $1.5 mil­lion in Pro­to­case Inc., a cus­tom elec­tronic en­clo­sure man­u­fac­turer es­tab­lished in 2001. Ac­cord­ing to Steve Lil­ley, Pres­i­dent of Pro­to­case, “this in­fu­sion of cap­i­tal will allow us to com­plete the de­vel­op­ment of a sec­ond man­u­fac­tur­ing cell, ne­ces­si­tated by the steady and on­go­ing growth of op­er­a­tions over the past num­ber of years.”

“The suc­cess of New Dawn Com­mu­nity In­vest­ment’s CEDIF cam­paign this year speaks to an un­wa­ver­ing spirit of self-re­liance on this is­land,” says Mac­Sween. “Know­ing that we can, among our­selves, raise and in­vest the cap­i­tal needed to grow our econ­omy, is cen­tral to mov­ing for­ward with new ways of think­ing about how we gov­ern our­selves and how we en­sure our shared fu­ture pros­per­ity.”

Over the last six years, New Dawn Hold­ings Lim­ited has met with in­cred­i­ble suc­cess in meet­ing its ever larger Com­mu­nity Eco­nomic De­vel­op­ment In­vest­ment Fund (CEDIF) tar­gets. This suc­cess speaks, in part, to the de­sire of in­vestors for in­vest­ment op­por­tu­ni­ties within their own com­mu­nity; in­vest­ment op­por­tu­ni­ties that allow them to keep their cap­i­tal here and con­tribute to the growth and vi­tal­ity of Cape Bre­ton Is­land.

In 2011, New Dawn Hold­ings raised al­most $2.5 mil­lion through its Com­mu­nity Eco­nomic De­vel­op­ment In­vest­ment Fund (CEDIF) – the high­est one year CEDIF of­fer­ing in Nova Sco­tia his­tory. These funds pro­vided in­vest­ment cap­i­tal to New Dawn En­ter­prises to help it grow its ex­ist­ing com­pa­nies, launch new busi­nesses and ad­vance its com­mu­nity build­ing ini­tia­tives.

Contact Info

For more information on the 2012 New Dawn Community Investments Fund Ltd., or your investment in this fund, please contact Leonard Murray at [email protected] or 902-539-9560 ext. 240.

New Dawn Com­mu­nity In­vest­ments Fund Ltd.

This year, New Dawn an­nounced the es­tab­lish­ment of New Dawn Com­mu­nity In­vest­ment Lim­ited, a com­pany that allows in­vestors to grow their money while also grow­ing the com­mu­nity in which they live and work. By in­vest­ing in lo­cally owned pri­vate sec­tor busi­nesses, New Dawn Com­mu­nity In­vest­ments Ltd. en­ables the com­mu­nity to col­lec­tively raise the cap­i­tal that busi­nesses need to ex­pand their op­er­a­tions and cus­tomer-base, gen­er­ate new wealth, and cre­ate sta­ble well-pay­ing em­ploy­ment op­por­tu­ni­ties.

2012 CEDIF Investment: Pro­to­case

New Dawn Com­mu­nity In­vest­ment Lim­ited has in­vested funds raised in 2012 in Pro­to­case In­cor­po­rated. Founded in 2001 by Steve Lil­ley and Doug Mil­burn, Pro­to­case drafts and man­u­fac­tures cus­tom elec­tronic en­clo­sures for de­sign­ers and en­gi­neers. With a staff of 60 and a turn-around time of two to three days, Pro­to­case has es­tab­lished a grow­ing cus­tomer base of 4,000 com­pa­nies and in­di­vid­u­als, in­clud­ing IBM, Hewlett-Packard, Stan­ford Uni­ver­sity, Apple, Boe­ing, GE, Intel, Mi­crosoft and Mo­torola.