
The New Dawn Innovation Fund announces the launch of its 2015 campaign.

The New Dawn Innovation Fund allows both investors and businesses to further the vision of creating a self-reliant people in a vibrant community.

The New Dawn Innovation Fund is excited to announce the launch of its 2015 campaign. Here at New Dawn Innovation Fund, we provide investors with the opportunity to support local, innovative, growth-oriented companies while earning competitive dividends.

Committed to you since 2004, the New Dawn CEDIF family of companies (New Dawn Innovation Fund, New Dawn Community Investment and New Dawn Holdings,) has raised more than $9.4 million for direct investment in Cape Breton. We work with companies including: ProtocaseAdvanced Glazings45 DrivesHalifax BiomedicalMedia SparkMarcato Digital and Nova Stream.

Each year Nova Sco­tians in­vest more than $600 mil­lion in RRSPs. Less than 2% of this is rein­vested in Nova Sco­tia. With the New Dawn In­no­va­tion Fund, your in­vest­ment dol­lars stay in Cape Bre­ton where they can be put to work in your com­mu­nity and you earn a 35% non-refundable provincial income tax credit, in addition to annual dividends.

By investing in a lo­cally-owned busi­ness with a strong and con­sis­tent growth tra­jec­tory, your in­vest­ment en­ables a cut­ting edge ex­port-ori­ented busi­ness to ac­cess the cap­i­tal it needs to ex­pand its fa­cil­i­ties and op­er­a­tions and to con­tinue to meet the grow­ing de­mand for its prod­ucts.

Ben­e­fits of In­vest­ing

  • RRSP el­i­gi­ble
  • No An­nual Man­age­ment Fee
  • 3% Annual Dividends (*)
  • 35% Provin­cial Non-Re­fund­able In­come Tax Credit
  • 100% of your money in invested in Cape Breton