Dr. Gabor Maté Talk, Membertou NS

VIDEO: Dr. Gabor Maté talk in Sydney Nova Scotia on November 26, 2024.

The Hungry Ghost: A Biopsychosocial Perspective on Addiction from Heroin to Workaholism

Please Note: Throughout this video, Dr. Maté at times engages in Compassionate Inquiry with audience members. Compassionate Inquiry is a psycho-therapeutic technique developed by Dr. Maté. Courses and training opportunities in this therapeutic technique are available on his website: www.drgabormate.com.


Video Chapters

The video in its entirety is approximately two and a half hours. For selective viewing, we offer the following sections/times.

Part One

Chapter One

1. Performance by members of the Eskasoni Women’s Drumming Circle: (0.00 to 6.48)

2. Prayer and Blessing by Elder Shirley Christmas: (6.49 to 9.12)

3. Kara Paul’s Introduction of Dr. Gabor Maté: (9.12 to 10.23)

Chapter Two

1. Dr. Gabor Maté’s Initial Presentation: (10.24 to 42.25)

2. Myths About Addiction: Choice Model (12.59 to 16.32) and Disease Model (16.42 to 20.32)

3. What Addiction REALLY is: A Trauma-Informed Model of Addiction: (20.33 to 42.25)

Chapter Three

1. Dr. Maté Engages With the Audience and Takes Questions: (42.25 to 1.12:13)

2. Societal Backlash/Stigma Against People Who are Homeless and/or Struggling with Addiction and/or Mental Health AND the current Political Movement Towards Involuntary Treatment: (42:25 to 51:25)

3. Twin Studies and Addiction: The False Assumptions Behind Twin Studies: (51.27 to 57.40)

4. Dr. Maté Engages in Compassionate Inquiry with an Audience Member: (57:50 to 1.12:21)

Part Two

Chapter One: (1.12:28 to 1.52:17)

1. The Physiology of Brain Development

2. Psychological Development of Humans

3. How these Processes are Impacted By Trauma

4. How Trauma Leads to the Development of Addiction

Chapter Two

1. Dr. Maté Engages With the Audience and Takes Questions: (1.52:30 to 2.38:00)

2. How can parents/caregivers help children addicted to mobile devices: (1.52:30 to 1.58:16)

3. Healing in Indigenous Communities and from Childhood Sexual Abuse: (1.58:16 to 2.05:39)

Chapter Three

1. How do we heal intergenerational trauma in Indigenous Communities? How do we reclaim the land and our traditions when it’s been stolen from us? (2.05:40 to 2.16:30)

Chapter Four

1. How do we support our clients who experience addiction relapse (asked by someone working with domestic violence survivors)? (2.16:40 to 2.21:16)

Chapter Five

1. How do I help my children heal from living with an addicted parent and a marital breakdown? (2.21:16 to 2.31:00)

Chapter Six

1. As parents/primary caregivers, if we learn our child has experienced trauma, how do we help them heal? How do we prevent long-term effects? (2.31:02 to 2.32:44)

Chapter Seven

1. Harm Reduction: (2.32:45 to 2.38:00)

Chapter Eight

1. Closing Remarks and Acknowledgement of Sponsors

About Dr. Gabor Mate

Gabor Maté is a retired physician who, after 20 years of family practice and palliative care experience, worked for over a decade in Vancouver’s Downtown East Side with patients challenged by drug addiction and mental illness.

The bestselling author of five books published in 43 languages, including the award-winning In the Realm of Hungry Ghosts: Close Encounters with Addiction, Gabor is an internationally renowned speaker highly sought after for his expertise on addiction, trauma, childhood development, and the relationship of stress and illness.

For his groundbreaking medical work and writing he has been awarded the Order of Canada, his country’s highest civilian distinction, and the Civic Merit Award from his hometown, Vancouver.

His latest book, the Myth of Normal: Trauma, Illness, and Healing in a Toxic Culture remains a Canadian best seller and was a 19-week New York Times best seller.

For more information regarding Dr. Gabor Maté, his books, upcoming events, courses and training, please visit his website at https://drgabormate.com.

Dr. Maté’s books can be purchased online or at bookstores everywhere. Please support your local independent booksellers. In Sydney, please visit On Paper Books.

Special Thanks

This event and video are brought to you by:

  • Ally Center of Cape Breton
  • Union of Nova Scotia Mi’kmaq
  • New Dawn Enterprises

The event and video were lovingly hosted by:

  • Kara Paul, Director of Health, Union of Nova Scotia Mi’kmaq
  • Suzie Oram-Aylward, Trauma-informed Community Facilitator
  • Ryan Gould, President, Membertou Men’s Society

Many thanks to our sponsors:

  • Cape Breton Community Health Boards
  • Cape Breton Community Housing Association
  • Department of Community Services
  • Nova Scotia College of Social Workers
  • Office of Mental Health and Addictions
  • Eskasoni Band Council
  • Office of the Mayor, CBRM

Special thanks to:

  • Hampton Inn Membertou
  • Sobeys Prince Street
  • Kiju’s Restaurant
  • On Paper Books
  • NovaStream

All our gratitude to Cape Breton University’s Social Work Program, BSW students, and community social workers who volunteered their time to assist during the event.

Mental Health, Addictions, and Community Resources


988: If you or someone you know is in immediate crisis or has suicide-related concerns call 9-8-8 (24/7)

Kids Help Phone: call 1-800-668-6868 or text 686868 (24/7)


Nova Scotia Mental Health and Addictions Crisis Line

The Provincial Mental Health and Addictions Crisis Line provides crisis intervention for children, youth and adults experiencing a mental health crisis or mental distress. The service is available 24 hours a day, seven days a week, to support callers who present with suicidal thoughts, self-harming thoughts or behaviors, overwhelming anxiety, difficulty coping with distress, psychotic or distorted thinking, depression, substance use difficulties or any other self-identified mental health concerns. Crisis is self-defined by the individual calling for support.

Call: 1-888-429-8167

Recovery Support Centres: Sydney and North Sydney (was Withdrawal Management).

The Recovery Support Centre is a welcoming space that provides education, recovery and harm reduction support, along with one-on-one support and group treatment for people struggling with substance use and/or gambling concerns. An interdisciplinary team will work with clients to learn more about their individual situation and support needs. The centre can link people to care based on their individual needs. This could include inpatient withdrawal management, opioid-use disorder treatment, community mental health and addictions programs and other supports available within communities.

Call the Recovery Support Centre directly for information or to schedule an appointment. You can reach the Centre in North Sydney directly at 902-794-3706. You can reach the Centre in Sydney at 902-567-7701. Or, call the Mental Health and Addictions Intake Service at 1-855-922-1122. A call/appointment is NOT required. You can drop in without calling.

Access Wellness (Nova Scotia)

Access Wellness is a free single-session supportive counselling service for individuals (18 years and older), couples or families. Sessions can be held over the phone, online with video, or in-person. This service focuses on challenges/concerns that can be resolved in a short term/single session. Counsellors can also provide information about other services that can help, including the Nova Scotia Central Intake Service for additional assessment and treatment matching.

Visit: https://go.lifeworks.com/access-wellness-nova-scotia-en

Mental Health and Addictions (Nova Scotia)

Mental Health and Addictions Provincial Intake is the entry point for all requests for service through the provincial toll-free number 1-855-922-1122 Monday to Friday and all week-day holidays 8:30 a.m. to 4:30 p.m. as well as Tuesday and Thursday evenings until 8:00 p.m. This is a centralized telephone intake service.

Anyone can self-refer to the Mental Health and Addictions Intake service or a service provider with consent can make a referral on their behalf and the individual will be called to participate in an Intake assessment. Adult services are for individuals 19 or older. Children and youth services are for those under the age of 19. Access to both children/youth and adult mental health and addiction service is through this same toll-free number.

Eskasoni Mental Health Services

Eskasoni Mental Health Services provides a wide range of services to the Mi’kmaq people of Eskasoni, Cape Breton, Nova Scotia. The Tui’kn Residential School Survivor Team provides services to all 5 Unama’ki (Cape Breton) communities. We aim to achieve excellence in mental health and addiction service delivery by working as individuals, as a team, and as a community to create healthy people and a healthy community.

Visit https://www.eskasonimentalhealth.org for more information. Call: 902-379-2910

First Nations Services (Nova Scotia)

Mental Health clinicians work as part of the first nations health care team in several first nations communities. The Mental Health Clinician provides assessment, diagnosis and treatment, and outreach services that can help people to manage mental illness, addictions and concurrent disorders, as well as acts as a liaison to other mental health and addiction services as required. A referral is required through the local Community Mental Health and Addictions Clinic or through local First Nation’s Health Center.

Visit: Membertou Sport & Wellness Centre. Call: 902-564-6466 ext. 2440

Native Alcohol and Drug Abuse Counselling Association of Nova Scotia

NADACA programming is designed to deal with all aspects of substance abuse, i.e. alcohol abuse, illicit drug abuse, prescription drug abuse and solvent abuse. Our mandate is to provide accredited certified indigenous addictions prevention, education, outreach, community and in-patient wellness programming to the First Nation population. In-Patient Treatment Centers: Mi’kmaw Lodge Treatment Centre (Eskasoni) and Eagles Nest Recovery House (Indian Brook).

Visit: http://www.nadaca.ca/in-patient-treatment-centres/eagles-nest/. Call: (902) 379-2267

The Opioid Recovery Program (Nova Scotia)

The Opioid Recovery Program offers opioid maintenance therapy and programming to individuals with an addiction to opioids.  From a harm reduction perspective, the program supports clients on their personal recovery journey and enhances their overall wellbeing.  It includes assessment, treatment planning, relapse prevention and supportive counselling which is provided by a team of health care professionals.

To access this service, please call the Intake Service at 1-855-922-1122.

Narcotics Anonymous (Nova Scotia)

NA is a nonprofit fellowship or society of people for whom drugs had become a major problem. We are recovering addicts who meet regularly to help each other stay clean. This is a program of complete abstinence from all drugs. There is only one requirement for membership, the desire to stop using. We suggest that you keep an open mind and give yourself a break. Our program is a set of principles written so simply that we can follow them in our daily lives. The most important thing about them is that they work.

Visit https://www.centralnovaarea.ca for more information.

Alcoholics Anonymous 

Alcoholics Anonymous is an international fellowship of men and women who have had a drinking problem. There are no age or education requirements. Membership is open to anyone who wants to do something about his or her drinking problem. Online resource. Digital AA meetings are offered as an online resource and can be accessed at different times of the day, through a number of formats (phone, skype, chat). Groups can be general or for specific demographics: men only; women only; Gay/Lesbian/Bisexual/Transgender; Deaf/Hard of Hearing; Blind/Visually Impaired; Loners/Internationalists; and Atheist/Agnostic.

Visit http://www.area82aa.org for more information.

The Marguerite Centre (Nova Scotia)

The Marguerite Centre provides a holistic, women-centred approach to recovery from substance misuse and gambling addiction. We are an inclusive, safe, non-judgmental environment; free from discrimination and available regardless of economic status.

Visit https://themargueritecentre.com for more information.

Hope House (Nova Scotia)

Hope House is a live-in recovery home for women seeking healing from addictions, located in Cape Breton, NS. Our trauma-informed recovery program offers support, tools, and growth opportunities to women who are working towards becoming substance-use free. As a part of our intake process applicants meet with our financial counselor prior to admission, however, finances do not determine acceptance into the program.

Visit: https://www.cbhope.ca/ Call: 902-304-6247

Talbot House (Nova Scotia)

Talbot House is a vibrant caring, innovative and healing community created by individuals participating in long-term recovery from addictions through self-discovery and growth in a life-giving environment of faith, hope and courage.

Visit: https://talbothouse.ca/ Call: (902) 794-2852