
Pathways Cape Breton

An integrated and coordinated range of services and supports to address the recovery of individuals with mental illness and social challenges.


What began in 2012 as a partnership with Sydney Credit Union Charitable Foundation, the Nova Scotia Health Authority, and New Dawn Enterprises, Pathways Cape Breton (formerly Share, Support and Recovery) endeavours to provide an integrated and coordinated range of services and supports to address the recovery of individuals with mental illness and social challenges.

The purpose of the partnership is to create opportunities for independence, education, housing, employment and social engagement in Cape Breton through the incorporation of two major programs in the community: SHIMI (Supported Housing for Individuals with Mental Illness) and Pathways to Employment under Pathways Cape Breton.

Pathways Cape Breton is now supported by New Dawn Enterprises, the Nova Scotia Health Authority, the Department of Community Services, and the Cape Breton Regional Hospital Foundation.