
Good Food Pack: Case Study

Over 11 weeks in the Spring of 2020, A Better Bite Community Kitchen delivered 6,082 free Good Food Packs to seniors and families in need in the CBRM in response to the COVID-19 pandemic.

Over 11 weeks in the Spring of 2020, A Better Bite Community Kitchen (a division of New Dawn Enterprises) prepared and delivered 6,082 Good Food Packs free to seniors and families in need in the Cape Breton Regional Municipality (CBRM) in response to the COVID-19 pandemic.

In this time, A Better Bite hired a Good Food Packs Coordinator; raised private and public funds; worked with community organizations who serve vulnerable populations to identify individuals in need; secured food from suppliers; engaged volunteers to assemble the weekly Good Food Packs; and delivered food to families and seniors experiencing new or heightened food insecurity. This report details the effort.

It considers some of the characteristics — a human-centered approach, an impulse to act and to serve, an openness to experiment, built-in scalability, and nutrition-consciousness — that made such a substantial response possible in such a short period of time. It also reflects on the lessons learned: community-based responses work best; considerable community and organizational food capacity exists in the CBRM; and food insecurity remains an ongoing challenge. It begins by outlining the features of the Good Food Packs program.

To read the full Good Food Pack Case Study: Better Bite Good Food Packs Case Study