The Village at Pine Tree Park welcomes first tenants

The Village will be a temporary home for 35 community members experiencing homelessness in CBRM

We live in a wealthy Northern nation. No one should go without housing. It is nearly impossible to heal from trauma, avoid further harm, or take the next step towards the life you want to build without housing. You’ll be lucky just to survive.

Erika Shea, President & CEO, New Dawn Enterprises

Thank you to those who came today to an Open House held at the Village at Pine Tree Park. The Village will now be a temporary home to 35 community members who are experiencing homelessness. In addition to safe, warm, private shelter, the Village provides wrap-around support services that will help tenants transition to permanent housing.

Support services at the Village will include daily hot meals, healthcare, mental health and addictions supports, employment services, and case management by trained staff.

Ally Centre staff has been conducting the assessment and intake process over the past several months to identify those with the greatest need who will benefit from the Village. The Village is at capacity with 35 tenants, and a waitlist of more than twenty remains.

It is expected many of the first 35 tenants of the Village will transition to Eleanor’s Court when it opens early next year – opening up spaces for those on the waiting list for the Village.

Eleanor’s Court is a deeply affordable supportive housing development currently under construction in Northend Sydney and is another partnership between New Dawn Enterprises and the Ally Centre.

The Village will provide emergency temporary housing for those in CBRM who are currently unhoused or who are at risk of becoming unhoused. It is part of a province-wide initiative in response to growing homelessness with the goal to provide safe, supportive shelter, to get people out of the elements, and to prevent weather-related deaths.

For more information about the Village at Pine Tree Park, visit: