Pallet Shelter Dignity Standards

The Dignity Standards guiding the design of the CBRM Pallet Shelter Village (and the more than 120 Pallet Shelter Villages throughout North America) outline requirements for hygiene, meals, transportation, safety, and support services.

The Dignity Standards guiding the design of the CBRM Pallet Shelter Village (and the more than 120 Pallet Shelter Villages throughout North America) outline requirements for hygiene, meals, transportation, safety, and support services.

Pallet will only work with providers who can guarantee that these standards are met and will be met continually.

Pallet is a forward-thinking social purpose company transforming tens of thousands of lives not just through their innovative buildings but through their designs informed by individuals with lived or living experience and their insistence on these Dignity Standards.

You can read the details of the Dignity Standatrds here: Pallet’s Dignity Standards